Sheriff follows through on threat: 11-year-old 'perp walked' after making school threats
Sheriff follows through on threat: 11-year-old 'perp walked' after making school threats
    Posted on 09/17/2024
Three days after Sheriff Mike Chitwood said he would post on social media the photos of school children making threats to commit violent acts against students and schools, he did just that Monday when an 11-year-old boy was arrested for making threats to shoot up Creekside Middle School or Silver Sands Middle School in Port Orange.

Chitwood also released the child's name and a video where the boy was in handcuffs and later placed in ankle chains.

On Friday, Chitwood said at a press conference that he would make public the names and photos of minors making school threats and went as far as saying that he would "perp walk" the students and parents if necessary.

Chitwood said he was taking the measure because fake shooting threats to schools were "absolutely out of control."

In Friday's news briefing, Chitwood said that 54 school threat tips came into FortifyFL last week and that so far this year 207 threats have been tallied.

In Monday's threat, the boy had a written a list of names and targets. When deputies made contact with the 11-year-old, he said it was all a joke, investigators said.

During their investigation, deputies recovered a number of airsoft rifles, pistols, and fake ammunition along with knives, swords, and other weapons he was showing off to other students in a video, a sheriff's office social media post states.

The 11-year-old was charged with felony written threat of a mass shooting, the Facebook post stated.
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